In vivo distribution of myeloid transcription factors during granulopoiesis was investigated by Northern and Western blotting in 3 neutrophil precursor populations from human bone marrow: immature (myeloblasts [MBs] and promyelocytes [PMs]); intermediate mature (myelocytes [MCs] and metamyelocytes [MMs]); and mature neutrophil cells (band cells [BCs] and segmented neutrophil cells [SCs]). Nonneutrophil cells were removed with magnetic-bead-coupled antibodies against CD2, CD3, CD14, CD19, CD56, CD61, glycophorin-A, and CD49d (BCs/SCs) before RNA and protein extraction. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) from peripheral blood depleted with anti-CD49d antibodies were also included. Expression of acute myeloid leukemia 1b (AML-1b), c-myb, GATA-1, and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein gamma (C/EBP-gamma) was seen primarily in MBs/PMs, and little expression was found in more mature cells. The level of C/EBP-alpha was constant in the bone marrow-derived cells and decreased in PMNs. C/EBP-epsilon was found primarily in MCs/MMs and was almost absent in more mature cells. Expression of C/EBP-beta, C/EBP-delta, and C/EBP-zeta was observed from the MC/MM stage onward, with peak levels in the most mature cells. The amount of PU.1 increased throughout maturation whereas the level of Elf-1 reached a nadir in MCs/MMs The PU.1 coactivator c-jun and c-jun's dimerization partner c-fos were both detectable in MCs/MMs and increased in amount with maturity. CCAAT displacement protein (CDP) was found at comparable levels at all stages of differentiation. This demonstrates a highly individualized expression of the transcription factors, which can form the basis for the heterogeneous expression of granule proteins during granulopoiesis and cell cycle arrest in metamyelocytes.