Objectives: The Ets-1 protooncogene transcription factor is involved in several cellular functions, including the activation of several proteases, and reportedly plays an important role in carcinoma invasion and metastasis. We hypothesize that Ets-1 mRNA expression could be a predictor of thymoma development and invasion.
Methods: Subjects were 37 patients with thymoma whose mRNA expression was quantified by real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using LightCycler, a microvolume multisample fluorimeter.
Results: No significant difference was found in Ets-1 mRNA expression for gender, age, or pathological subtype. Ets-1 mRNA expression in tumor tissues from stage II-IV thymoma (25.311 +/- 42.336) was more elevated than in that from stage I thymoma (2.097 +/- 4.492) (p = 0.0374). Ets-1 mRNA expression may thus serve as a marker of higher thymoma stages.
Conclusions: With use of the Light Cycler RT-PCR assay, Ets-1 expression may play an important role in the extension and progression of thymoma as in other cancers. Further study and longer follow-up are, however, needed to confirm the Ets-1 impact on biological tumor behavior.