Purpose: The authors analysed renal and ureter complications in Hodgkin's disease patients after treatment.
Patients and methods: We examined retrospectively 512 primary treated and followed up patients with Hodgkin's disease.
Results: We observed renal, ureter or bladder complications after irradiation in 16 cases (3.125%). Five patients had injured left kidney, out of them only two had pyuria or proteinuria and 4 received radiotherapy and chemotherapy as well. We observed complications of both kidneys in 7 patients. Four patients had pyelonephritis or cystitis. We did not find severe cystitis in patients treated wsith cyclophosphamide.
Conclusions: Acute and chronic irradiation nephropathy are rather anatomic than functional lesions. Planning, dose and period of the radiotherapy, irradiation volume play parts in the development of complications. Prior chemotherapy increases incidence of irradiation nephropathy. These rare complications of Hodgkin's disease are usually avoided with the use of modern radiotherapy apparatus and the up to date treatment methods.