Background: The effect of lipid-lowering drugs (LLDs) on coronary heart disease is well documented, particularly in patients with established ischaemic heart disease. However, intensity of the use of these drugs is low. The aim of this linkage study was to analyse the use of serum cholesterol measurements and LLDs among patients with a history of myocardial infarction (MI) in a Danish population.
Methods: Information on serum cholesterol values was retrieved from the hospital's Department of Clinical Chemistry for all patients from the Odense municipality and four surrounding municipalities (213,868 inhabitants) hospitalised at Odense University Hospital for MI between 1994-1997. Information on LLD use was obtained from a prescription database. Only patients alive at discharge were included in the investigation. The total observation period was from 1993-1998.
Results: In all, 1,018 patients were eligible for observation and 39% of the patients who met the criteria for LLD reimbursement (MI and serum cholesterol >5.4 mmol/L) started treatment. Relatively more males than females and relatively more patients under the age of 70 years were treated. Patients above the age of 70 years were prescribed these drugs at a slower rate.
Conclusions: More attention to the insufficient use of lipid-lowering drug treatment in patients with established coronary heart disease is needed.