Narcolepsy is a debilitating sleep disorder characterized by daytime sleepiness and cataplexy. The strong association of narcolepsy with the HLA system suggests an autoimmune cause. Tumor necrosis factor is a cytokine involved in both regulation of immune mechanisms and sleep. Several studies were undertaken to determine a contribution of tumor necrosis factor and its receptors to the pathogenesis of narcolepsy. A significant increase in the 196R allele, a functionally relevant polymorphism in the TNFR2 gene, has been found in Japanese patients, indicating altered transduction of tumor necrosis factor signals. Here we explore polymorphisms in both tumor necrosis factor receptor genes as risk factors in a German population sample. Neither the polymorphism in the TNFR1 nor that in the TNFR2 gene was associated with narcolepsy. Our findings contrast to those previously published and thus provide evidence for genetic heterogeneity between different narcolepsy populations.