To clarify the mechanism of estradiol-17beta production in the ovarian follicle of red seabream, in vitro effects of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) on aromatase activity (conversion of testosterone to estradiol-17beta) and cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom) mRNA expression in ovarian fragments of red seabream were investigated. Of the growth factors used in the present study, only IGF-I stimulated both aromatase activity and P450arom gene expression in the ovarian fragments of red seabream. LH from red seabream pituitary, but not FSH, stimulated both aromatase activity and P450arom gene expression. IGF-I slightly enhanced the LH-induced aromatase activity and P450arom gene expression. These data and our previous results indicate that LH, but not FSH, stimulates estradiol-17beta production in the ovarian follicle of red seabream through stimulation of aromatase activity and P450arom gene expression and IGF-I enhances the LH-stimulated P450arom gene expression.