Dual isotope simultaneous acquisition single photon emission computed tomography (DISA SPECT) offers the advantage of obtaining information on myocardial perfusion using Tc-sestamibi ( Tc-MIBI) and metabolism using F-fluorodeoxyglucose ( F-FDG) in a single study. The prerequisite is that the Tc-MIBI images are not degraded by scattered 511 keV photons or poor count statistics due to the lower efficiency of the extra high energy (EHE) collimator. Therefore, we compared the registered Tc-MIBI uptake and image quality of DISA and single isotope acquisition. Furthermore, we investigated whether DISA yields additional information for the assessment of myocardial viability in comparison with rest-stress Tc-MIBI. Nineteen patients with known coronary artery disease and irreversible perfusion defects on previous rest-stress MIBI test studies were investigated. After oral glucose loading and simultaneous injection of 600 MBq of Tc-MIBI and 185 MBq of F-FDG at rest, DISA was performed using energy windows of 140 (+/-15%), 170 (+/-20%) and 511 keV (+/-15%). Planar 140 keV images were corrected for scatter by subtraction using the 170 keV window. The single and dual isotope Tc-MIBI images were both displayed in a polar map with 128 segments normalized to maximum counts. F-FDG and Tc-MIBI images were visually scored for a perfusion-metabolism mismatch pattern using nine regions per heart. There was an excellent correlation (r =0.93, P<0.0001) between the Tc-MIBI uptake detected in the single and dual isotope acquisition. The average difference between the dual and single isotope Tc-MIBI uptake was -1.2% (not significantly different from zero) and the coefficient of variation of the difference was 8.7%. Of the 79 regions with irreversible perfusion defects on previous rest-stress Tc-MIBI, six regions in five patients showed a perfusion-metabolism mismatch pattern. We conclude that DISA does not affect the quality of the Tc-MIBI images. Furthermore, F-FDG- Tc-MIBI DISA may show viability in a small but significant (7.6%, P<0.0034) number of regions with irreversible perfusion defects on rest-stress Tc-MIBI.