Background: It is known that infections with Serratia marcescens can take a progressive course in preterm infants and that meningoencephalitis with this pathogen exhibits an extremely bad neurologic prognosis.
Methods and results: We report on five cases of septicemia with Serratia marcescens in preterm infants during a nosocomial outbreak. Three patients developed meningoencephalitis with brain abscesses. Mild clinical and laboratory findings of infection contrasted with destructive findings on MRI scan. All five patients survived, those with isolated bacteremia without neurologic sequelae.
Conclusion: When Serratia marcescens is isolated from any source in a neonatal intensive care unit, preventive measures including strict hygiene and cohorting of infants must be implemented immediately since this pathogen seems to exhibit specific affinity for the central nervous system and Serratia marcescens meningoencephalitis takes a progressive and destructive course despite antibiotic therapy.