Synthetic fragment peptides of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) were evaluated for their ability to elevate cellular cAMP production and stimulate insulin secretion. In GIP receptor transfected CHL cells, GIP(4-42) and GIP(17-30) dose-dependently inhibited GIP-stimulated cAMP production (40 +/- 8%; p<0.01 and 15 +/- 6%; p<0.05, respectively), while GIP(1-16) exerted very weak agonist effects on cAMP production. In the clonal pancreatic beta-cell line, BRIN-BD11, GIP(1-16) demonstrated weak insulin releasing activity compared with native GIP. In contrast, GIP(4-42) and GIP (17-30) weakly antagonized the insulin releasing activity of the native peptide (23 +/- 6%; p<0.05 and 11 +/- 3%, respectively). These data demonstrate the critical role of the N-terminus and the involvement of regions of the C-terminal domain in generating full biological potency of GIP.