Calcium ions are secondary messenger in numerous cellular processes of plant grown at 1 g. Ca2+ are connected with oxygen atoms, of pectin carboxy groups and/or with H(+)-groups of protein (Roux and Slocum, 1982; Hepler and Wayne, 1985). The influence of altered gravity on the calcium balance in some cells is established. The increased synthesis of ethylene in plant grown in microgravity caused the change of the structural-functional organization of cell (Hensel and Iversen, 1980; Hilaire et al., 1996). Available data put the new question: how do high ethylene level and microgravity influence on the redistribution of Ca2+ in cell of seedling in early stage of growth? Therefore, the goal of our data was the comparable study of the cell ulltrastructure and localization of Ca2+ in hook hypocotyl of soybean seedling under interaction of microgravity and ethylene.