In crosses of [ANTr8] with auxotrophic strains, resistance to antimycin segregates almost 50:50 in random spore analysis with a slight preponderance for the sensitivity allele. Tetrad analysis, however, shows all possible types of tetrads (2:2; 3:1; 1:3; 4:0; 0:4 resistant versus sensitive) with an excess of 2:2 segregations and sectoring of colonies on antimycin medium indicating an extrachromosomal mode of inheritance. The overall ratio of resistant versus sensitive spores is the same as compared with random spore data. Using a mutant blocked in meiosis (mei 1) mitotic segregation of stable diploids is achieved, leading to a ratio of 20% resistant to 80% sensitive clones. Possible reasons for the bias in transmission of the resistance determinant is discussed.