Introduction: The term visual neglect refers to a lack of attention to visual stimuli coming from the contralateral hemifield. The patient does not seek objects in the abnormal field and often only sees half of a paragraph when reading. Although the right inferior parietal lobe is the most frequently damaged region, the same symptomatology can be due to injury to the frontal lobe, the basal ganglia and the thalamus.
Case report: Female aged 71 with a mitral prosthesis and atrial fibrillation in treatment with dicumarols, who presented a left frontal parenchymatous haemorrhage. The exploration revealed right visual hemineglect without ipsilateral homonymous hemianopsia, associated to a right hemiparesis.
Discussion: Even when visual neglect has been described in lesions affecting the parietal lobe, especially on the right hand side, the same symptomatology can be due to injury to the basal ganglia, the thalamus and the frontal lobe. In this last case, it seems that the basis for the pathogenesis lies in the damage done to the underlying white matter, which would disconnect the posterior parietal cortex from the prefrontal cortex.