A 30-year-old male was referred for the rapid development of gynecomastia, and dramatic hyperestrogenemia was assessed: plasma estrone, estradiol but also cortisol were not suppressed by high-dose dexamethasone, while gonadotropin pulsatility was completely abolished. A 60-mm right adrenal tumor was evidenced on computed tomography-scan, and the patient underwent adrenalectomy. The tumor was found to express a moderate increase in aromatase activity compared with adjacent non-neoplastic adrenal tissue. Quantitative RT-PCR also showed a weak and non-significant increase in total aromatase mRNA in the tumor compared with normal adrenal tissue. Aromatase transcripts were mainly promoter PII-derived, but different patterns of aromatase minor transcripts were found: promoter I.3- and I.6-derived transcripts were identified in the tumor, while only promoter I.4-derived transcripts were found in normal adrenal. This case report demonstrates that a sharp aromatase overexpression is not a prerequisite for clinical and biochemical hyperestrogenism, and further characterizes the aromatase promoter utilization in this feminizing adrenocortical tumor and in the normal adrenal cortex.