Trauma-hemorrhage and resuscitation (TH) produces profound immunodepression and enhances susceptibility to sepsis in males but not in proestrus females, suggesting gender dimorphism in the immune responses. However, the mechanism responsible for the maintenance of immune functions in proestrus females after TH is unclear. Splenic T lymphocytes express receptors for estrogen (ER), contain enzymes involved in estrogen metabolism, and are the major source of cytokine production; the metabolism of 17beta-estradiol was assessed in the splenic T lymphocytes of proestrus and ovariectomized mice by using appropriate substrates after TH. Analysis for aromatase and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases indicated increased 17beta-estradiol synthesis and low conversion into estrone in T lymphocytes of proestrus but not of ovariectomized mice. The effect of 17beta-estradiol on T lymphocyte cytokine release was reliant on ER expressions. This was apparent in the differences of ER expression, especially that of ER-beta, and an association between increased 17beta-estradiol synthesis and sustained release of IL-2 and IL-6 in T lymphocytes of proestrus females after TH. Because 17beta-estradiol is able to regulate cytokine genes, and the splenic T lymphocyte cytokine releases is altered after TH, continued synthesis of 17beta-estradiol in proestrus females appears to be responsible for the maintenance of T lymphocyte cytokine release associated with the protection of immune functions after TH.