Symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungi contribute to the nitrogen nutrition of their host-plants but little information is available on the molecular control of their nitrogen metabolism. We cloned and characterised genes encoding a nitrite reductase and a nitrate transporter in the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Hebeloma cylindrosporum. These two genes are divergently transcribed and linked to a previously cloned nitrate reductase gene, thus demonstrating that nitrate assimilation gene clusters occur in homobasidiomycetes. The nitrate transporter polypeptide (NRT2) is characterised by 12 transmembrane domains and presents both a long putative intracellular loop and a short C-terminal tail, two structural features which distinguish fungal high-affinity transporters from their plant homologues. In different wild-type genetic backgrounds, transcription of the two genes was repressed by ammonium and was strongly stimulated not only in the presence of nitrate but also in the presence of organic nitrogen sources or under nitrogen deficiency.