Analysis by 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy demonstrated that the O-specific polysaccharides of Proteus mirabilis PrK 42/57 and P. vulgaris PrK 43/57 are structurally similar to that of P. vulgaris PrK 44/57 and different from the polysaccharide of P. mirabilis PrK 41/57 studied earlier. The lipopolysaccharides of these strains were tested using enzyme immunosorbent assay, passive hemolysis and Western blot with O-antisera against P. mirabilis 42/57 and P. vulgaris 43/57 and 44/57, as well as with cross-absorbed O-antisera. The chemical and serological data revealed the basis for combining the four strains into Proteus serogroup O23 and division of this serogroup to three subgroups, one for P. vulgaris 43/57 and 44/57 and two others for P. mirabilis 41/57 and 42/57.