Peripheral MR angiography (MRA) should ideally provide images over a large field of view with high spatial resolution and adequate temporal resolution to accommodate differences in regional filling times. Image subtraction is usually used to remove background signals. In examination protocols involving multiple injections at multiple sites, previously injected contrast present in the mask image provides a substantial decrease in the subtraction image signal. Bolus chase methods avoid this problem but provide limited time for acquisition of high-resolution images at each station. We present here a technique applied to peripheral angiography that provides high spatial and temporal resolution while maintaining high SNR in multiple injection examinations. Undersampled projection imaging was used to increase spatial resolution relative to a previously reported technique using a Cartesian acquisition technique. Late acquisition of high spatial frequencies and temporal matched-filtering were used to increase spatial resolution and SNR, respectively. Temporal correlation analysis was applied to permit multistation examinations without mask subtraction, thus providing an additional gain in SNR relative to multistation subtraction methods. Quantitative analysis is provided to evaluate the signal and noise behavior in the matched-filtering process due to multiinjection and mask subtraction.
Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.