A seriously ill woman with the history of fever for 14 days and severe pain in abdomen with frequent passage of blood and mucous mixed loose stool for 11 days was admitted in the Surgery Unit-3 of Mymensingh Medical Collage Hospital. On examination the patient was toxic, moderately anaemic and dehydrated and there was diffuse abdominal tenderness with a palpable tender cystic intra abdominal lump in right lower abdomen. Fluidthril was present with absent bowel sound. Digital rectal examination revealed bulged anterior rectal wall. X-ray abdomen revealed multiple gas and fluid leveled loops of intestine with increased haziness of the film. On emergency laparotomy it revealed huge amount of faecal matter with fluid in peritoneal cavity. The greater omentum was adherent to caecum with multiple friable necrotic areas in the caecum, transverse and splenic flexure of the colon with multiple small perforations, Subtotal colectomy and end to end anastomosis was done. Histopathological examination of the resected gut revealed features compatible with amoebic ulcer perforations. On 13th post operative day the patient was discharged without any post operative complication and in the 1st follow up after one month the patient was found without any complication.