A proteomic approach was used for the identification of larval hemolymph proteins of Drosophila melanogaster. We report the initial establishment of a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis reference map for hemolymph proteins of third instar larvae of D. melanogaster. We used immobilized pH gradients of pH 4-7 (linear) and a 12-14% linear gradient polyacrylamide gel. The protein spots were silver-stained and analyzed by nanoLC-Q-Tof MS/MS (on-line nanoscale liquid chromatography quadrupole time of flight tandem mass spectrometry) or by Matrix assisted laser desorption time of flight MS (MALDI-TOF MS). Querying the SWISSPROT database with the mass spectrometric data yielded the identity of the proteins in the spots. The presented proteome map lists those protein spots identified to date. This map will be updated continuously and will serve as a reference database for investigators, studying changes at the protein level in different physiological conditions.