Aim: To evaluate the results of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) in the 8 years period.
Patients and methods: First LC in Coltea Hospital was performed in September 1993 and introduced for treatment of patients with gallbladder disease. From September 1993 to February 2001 LC was performed in 3100 patients. Mean age 51.2 years (ranged from 8 to 87 years) among 2512 women and 588 men. 232 (7.48%) of the cases were patients with acute cholecystitis. Intraoperative cholangiography was performed in 112 cases (3.6%).
Results: Conversion to open cholecystectomy (OC) was necessary in 111 patients (3.58%). Operative complications occurred in 16 (0.5%) patients: CBD lesions in 4 (0.12%) patients, bleeding from cystic artery--12 (0.38%) patients. In one patient CBD injuries was recognized at the time of operation and after conversion to OC primary ductal repair was performed. Postoperative complications occurred in 44 (1.41%) patients: a) local infection--in 15 (0.48%) patients (subhepatic abcess-3, wound infection-9. b) bile leakage--in 21 (0.67%) patients. c) haemoperitoneum because of the bleeding: from the abdominal wall at the trocar insertion site--in 2 patients, from a. cystica-one patient. d) obstructive jaundice due to stone in CBD--in 5 patients (endoscopic papillosphincterotomy and stone extraction was performed). There 21 reoperations due to complications: 13 laparatomies and 8 relaparascopies. Two patients (52 and 64 years old) died after LC-mortality 0.06 per cent. Mean hospitalisation day was 3.8.
Conclusions: To prevent iatrogenic CBD injuries correct preparation with a clear identification of the anatomic structures is essential. Relaparascopy and endoscopic retrograde cholangyopancreatography can be successfully used in the treatment of complications after LC.