We undertook this study to determine the detailed neuroanatomy of the terminal branches of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) in the rabbit to facilitate future neurophysiological recordings from identified branches of this nerve. The whole larynx was isolated post mortem in 17 adult New Zealand White rabbits and prepared using a modified Sihler's technique, which stains axons and renders other tissues transparent so that nerve branches can be seen in whole mount preparations. Of the 34 hemi-laryngeal preparations processed, 28 stained well and these were dissected and used to characterize the neuroanatomy of the RLN. In most cases (23/28) the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (PCA) was supplied by a single branch arising from the RLN, though in five PCA specimens there were two or three separate branches to the PCA. The interarytenoid muscle (IA) was supplied by two parallel filaments arising from the main trunk of the RLN rostral to the branch(es) to the PCA. The lateral cricoarytenoid muscle (LCA) commonly received innervation from two fine twigs branching from the RLN main trunk and travelling laterally towards the LCA. The remaining fibres of the RLN innervated the thyroarytenoid muscle (TA) and comprised two distinct branches, one supplying the pars vocalis and the other branching extensively to supply the remainder of the TA. No communicating anastomosis between the RLN and superior laryngeal nerve within the larynx was found. Our results suggest it is feasible to make electrophysiological recordings from identified terminal branches of the RLN supplying laryngeal adductor muscles separate from the branch or branches to the PCA. However, the very small size of the motor nerves to the IA and LCA suggests that it would be very difficult to record selectively from the nerve supply to individual laryngeal adductor muscles.