Although the role of Helicobacter pylori infection on noncomplicated peptic ulcer disease has been definitively established, the precise relationship between the organism and complicated ulcer has hardly been studied. The mean prevalence of H. pylori infection in patients with perforated peptic ulcer is of only about 65-70%, which contrasts with the almost 90-100% figure reported in noncomplicated ulcer disease. However, H. pylori infection rates in various studies range markedly from 0% to 100%, suggesting that differences in variables as number and type of diagnostic methods used to diagnose H. pylori infection, or frequency of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug intake, may be responsible for the low prevalence reported in some studies. Recurrent ulcer disease after peptic ulcer perforation mainly occurs in patients with H. pylori infection, which suggests that the microorganism plays an important role in this complication. All patients with perforated peptic ulcer should be treated by simple closure of the perforation and with therapy aimed at healing of the ulcer and eradicating the H. pylori infection, as disappearance of the organism prevents, or at least decreases, ulcer recurrence and ulcer perforation in patients with H. pylori-associated perforated ulcers after simple closure. Therefore, H. pylori eradicating treatment should be started during the immediate postoperative period. The patients with intractable recurrent symptoms of peptic ulcer despite adequate medical treatment, but without H. pylori infection (e.g. a patient using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), is probably the only remaining indication for elective definitive surgical treatment of peptic ulcer disease.