The activation of the human A(3) adenosine receptor (AR) by a wide range of N(6)-substituted adenosine derivatives was studied in intact CHO cells stably expressing this receptor. Selectivity of binding at rat and human ARs was also determined. Among N(6)-alkyl substitutions, small N(6)-alkyl groups were associated with selectivity for human A(3)ARs vs. rat A(3)ARs, and multiple points of branching were associated with decreased hA(3)AR efficacy. N(6)-Cycloalkyl-substituted adenosines were full (</=5 carbons) or partial (>/=6 carbons) hA(3)AR agonists. N(6)-(endo-Norbornyl)adenosine 13 was the most selective for both rat and human A(1)ARs. Numerous N(6)-arylmethyl analogues, including substituted benzyl, tended to be more potent in binding to A(1) and A(3) vs. A(2A)ARs (with variable degrees of partial to full A(3)AR agonisms). A chloro substituent decreased the efficacy depending on its position on the benzyl ring. The A(3)AR affinity and efficacy of N(6)-arylethyl adenosines depended highly on stereochemistry, steric bulk, and ring constraints. Stereoselectivity of binding was demonstrated for N(6)-(R-1-phenylethyl)adenosine vs. N(6)-(S-1-phenylethyl)adenosine, as well as for the N(6)-(1-phenyl-2-pentyl)adenosine, at the rat, but not human A(3)AR. Interestingly, DPMA, a potent agonist for the A(2A)AR (K(i)=4nM), was demonstrated to be a moderately potent antagonist for the human A(3)AR (K(i)=106nM). N(6)-[(1S,2R)-2-Phenyl-1-cyclopropyl]adenosine 48 was 1100-fold more potent in binding to human (K(i)=0.63nM) than rat A(3)ARs. Dual acting A(1)/A(3) agonists (N(6)-3-chlorobenzyl- 29, N(6)-(S-1-phenylethyl)- 39, and 2-chloro-N(6)-(R-phenylisopropyl)adenosine 53) might be useful for cardioprotection.