Metastatic tumors involving the vulva are rare, with only a few series and case reports published in the English literature to date. In this study, we present the clinicopathologic features of 66 cases of metastatic tumors of the vulva seen at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center from 1944 to 2001. The patients' age ranged from 18 to 84 years (mean 54.8 years). The most common presentations were vulvar nodules or a mass (39 cases), pain (7 cases), and ulceration (5 cases). In 46.9% of cases, the primary tumor was of gynecologic origin, whereas in 43.9% of cases the primary tumor was of nongynecologic origin. The remainder had unknown primaries. The site most frequently involved by metastasis was the labium majus (44 cases: 18 on the right, 13 on the left, 6 bilateral, and 7 unspecified side). Thirty percent of the patients received chemotherapy as treatment for the metastasis, 27% received radiotherapy, and the rest received some combination of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. Of the 60 patients with available follow-up, 52 died of disease within 1-81 months (median 7.5 months) from diagnosis of the metastasis. Metastatic tumors of the vulva are rare; however, the diagnosis of these tumors is facilitated by the knowledge of a preexistent malignancy and the lack of a mucocutaneous intraepithelial lesion.