In Wesley Guild Hospital Ilesa in the South-West region of Nigeria a retrospective study of 105 consecutive cases operated upon for typhoid perforation between January 1988 and November 2001 was carried out. The ages of the patients were between 4 to 70 years with a mean age of 19.2 +/- 8.81. There were 84 males (80%) and 21 females (20%) giving a ratio of 4:1. Diagnoses were based on clinical and radiological findings. All the patients had laparotomy after resuscitations with intravenous fluids, electrolytes replacement, broad spectrum antibiotics, Nasogastric intubation/suctioning and urethral catherterisation. There were five negative laparotomies (4.8%). Eighty patients (76.2%) had a single perforation, while the rest 20 had multiple perforations. The perforations were located between 7 cm and 100cm from the ileo-Caecal junction. Apart from the patients who had resection and primary anastomosis, 95 (90.5%) had 2 layered closure of the perforation. The most common complications were wound infections (26.7%). Intra-abdominal abscesses (9.5%) and would dehiscence (7.6%). The mortality rate was 16.2% showing a remarkable improvement in the West African Subregions.