Offspring and sex ratio are independent of sperm management in Eupelmus orientalis females

J Insect Physiol. 1998 Mar;44(3-4):351-359. doi: 10.1016/s0022-1910(97)00119-4.


Sperm stocks in both males and females of the parthenogenetic wasp Eupelmus orientalis were investigated at various points during reproduction and compared to the progeny of females in controlled conditions. One day-old virgin males had approximately 5500 sperm, and from a total of about 1697 sperm transferred per copulation, 21% are stored in the spermathecae by females 24 hours after mating. At the end of the egg-laying period (at least 42 days), 2/5 of the initial amount of sperm remained in this storage organ. This decrease (from approximately 350 to 150) occurred essentially during the first 21 days of egg-laying activity, indicating that the majority of sperm stored were used during this period. Between 21 days and the end of fertile life, the number of sperm remained constant. The mean offspring production throughout reproductive life after one mating was 153, with 56.5% of the daughters laid at the beginning of the laying activity. Sex ratio was entirely female biased during the first 15 days (mean=0.65), then it decreased and became nearly equal after 20 days. Present results propose that females maximize the production of daughters i.e. of inseminated eggs until the 20th day and after this time lay as many daughters and sons despite their still having stored sperm. Physiological constraints due to ageing are proposed to explain this phenomenon.