We report two cases of infertility treatment in couples where males suffered from Kartagener's syndrome (KS) and a total absence of motile sperm in the ejaculate. A total of three ICSI cycles was carried out. In all cycles, viable ejaculated or testicular spermatozoa were selected using the hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) test. Case 1: In the first ICSI cycle total fertilization failure occurred after using ejaculated spermatozoa. In the following cycle testicular spermatozoa were used for ICSI, resulting in 75% fertilized oocytes and a pregnancy. Case 2: In the same ICSI cycle 50% of the oocytes were injected with ejaculated and 50% with testicular spermatozoa. The fertilization rates were 44 and 56% respectively and high quality embryos were achieved in both groups. One single embryo derived from testicular sperm was transferred with a resulting singleton pregnancy. In conclusion, testicular sperm for ICSI seem to have reliable fertilization capacity in men with KS, while ejaculated sperm, even if tested viable, seem more unpredictable. HOS test for selection of viable sperm for ICSI is recommended when ejaculated as well as testicular sperm are used for ICSI.