Several bone marrow cells and lymphocyte subpopulations, known as "veto cells," were shown to induce transplantation tolerance across major histocompatibility antigens. Some of the most potent veto cells are of T-cell origin, and in particular a very strong veto activity was documented for cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) lines or clones. However, these cells also possess marked graft-versus-host (GVH) reactivity. In the present study we evaluated a new approach to deplete CTLs of antihost clones by stimulating the donor T cells against third-party stimulators in the absence of exogenous interleukin 2 (IL-2). We demonstrate that such CTLs are depleted of GVH reactivity while maintaining marked veto activity in vitro. Furthermore, marked synergism was exhibited between the veto CTLs and rapamycin when tested in a murine model, which measures T-cell-mediated bone marrow allograft rejection, or in sublethally irradiated allogeneic hosts. Our results suggest that engraftment of early progenitors could be enhanced by using host-nonreactive anti-third-party CTLs, in conjunction with nonmyeloablative rapamycin-based conditioning protocols, thereby significantly reducing the toxicity of allogeneic transplantation.