Introduction: Substrate-based catheter ablation of postmyocardial infarction (post-MI) ventricular tachycardia necessitates electroanatomic definition of the scarred endocardium. We sought to determine whether electrogram criteria during sinus rhythm could identify the location and extent of the myocardial scar by electroanatomic mapping.
Methods and results: A porcine model of healed MI was generated by injecting agarose microspheres into the mid left anterior descending coronary artery. At least 4 weeks post-MI, the animals (n = 24) underwent detailed left ventricular endocardial electroanatomic mapping using a 4-mm-tip catheter (BioSense-Webster, Inc.). Based upon mapping data in normal animals, infarcted tissue was defined as bipolar electrogram amplitude < 1.5 mV and electrogram duration > or = 50 msec. Radiofrequency ablation lesions (2-10 per animal) were placed to tag the endocardial borders of the electroanatomic mapping-defined scar. The area of the scar defined by abnormal voltage amplitude was 25.9 +/- 15.4 cm2 (range 6.9-60.5). This area correlated well with that defined as scar by the electrogram duration criteria (26.4 +/- 16 cm2). Of those points remote from the infarct with falsely low voltage amplitude resulting from presumed poor catheter-tissue contact, 94% were correctly identified as normal when using the electrogram duration criteria. Late potentials were observed predominantly along the borders of the infarcted myocardium. The radiofrequency lesions placed to tag the scar borders were located along the scar periphery during gross pathologic examination.
Conclusion: During normal sinus rhythm, both bipolar electrogram voltage amplitude and electrogram duration criteria are able to help differentiate normal from scarred myocardial tissue. Using these criteria, a detailed reconstruction of the endocardial scar can be rendered by electroanatomic mapping of the heart.