The role of vitamin D in the regulation of blood pressure is unclear. There are no studies that relate Bsm I polymorphism with blood pressure.
Objective: To analyze if Bsm I polymorphism and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD3) influence blood pressure in healthy individuals with normal blood pressure.
Methods: Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure, Body Mass Index (BMI), plasma creatinine, serum calcium, serum phosphorus, serum iPTH, serum 25OHD3 and Bsm I genotype were determined in 590 healthy individuals (260 men and 330 women). Data were analysed using a multiple linear regression model. SBP and DBP were defined as dependent variables and the rest of variables as independent.
Results: Gender was strongly associated with both SBP (beta: -12.01, p: 0.000) and DBP (beta: -4.78, p: 0.000). Therefore, a separate analysis was performed according to gender. In males, SBP was associated with BMI (beta: 0.83, p: 0.001), 25OHD3, (beta: 0.36, p: 0.000) and genotype (beta: -3.90, p: 0.002); and DBP with 25OHD 3 (beta: 0.16, p: 0.018) and age (beta: 0.28, p: 0.000). Differences of blood pressure among the three genotypes were explored by analysis of variance. SBP was higher in men with bb genotype than in the other genotypes (p: 0.007). In females, 25OHD3 and genotype were not associated with blood pressure.
Conclusions: Healthy men with higher levels of vitamin D have higher levels of SBP and DBP. Moreover, men with bb genotype have the highest levels of SBP. Blood pressure levels in women are not influenced by vitamin D nor by Bsml genotype. Our data suggest a possible pathophysiological interaction between vitamin D and sex hormones in blood pressure control.