Objective: To compare open with closed treatment of chronic pilonidal sinus.
Patients and methods: From 1993 to 1996, 100 patients were submitted to excision of chronic pilonidal sinus, with local anaesthesia and were randomized in two groups: group A in which open treatment and group B in which direct suture were performed. The follow-up, ranging from 37 to 89 months, was performed by outpatient visits or by phone.
Results: Short-term results showed 6 (12.0%) post-operative complications in group A vs 10 (20.0%) in group B. Long-term results showed 9 (18.0%) complications in group A vs 7 (14.0%) in group B. Mean wound healing was 58 days (range: 29-93) in group A vs 12 (range: 9-61) in group B. The return to normal activity was 25.7 (range: 11-77) vs 10.4 (range: 5-32). Wound healing and the return to normal activity were the only statistically significant differences.
Conclusions: Regarding morbidity neither technique has particular advantages over the other. The closed technique produced quicker wound healing and a quicker return to normal activity.