Background: Substrate mapping of post-myocardial infarction ventricular tachycardia involves electroanatomic delineation of scarred tissue on the basis of electrogram characteristics during sinus rhythm. A percutaneous transthoracic technique was recently described that allows catheter mapping of the epicardial surface of the heart. This study sought to determine whether the epicardial extent of a myocardial infarct could be defined during sinus rhythm.
Methods and results: In a porcine model of healed anterior wall myocardial infarction (n=13 animals), detailed in vivo left ventricular endocardial and ventricular epicardial electroanatomic mapping was performed. Catheter access to the pericardial space was achieved by subxyphoid puncture under fluoroscopic guidance. Bipolar electrogram amplitude and duration characteristics of normal tissue were established on the basis of in vivo epicardial mapping data in 8 additional normal animals. With the use of these criteria, radiofrequency lesions (4 to 11 per animal) were placed along the endocardial and epicardial scar borders as defined by the electroanatomic map. The area of epicardial scar defined by abnormal bipolar voltage correlated well with the dimensions measured on pathological examination. The size and location also correlated well with the scar dimensions defined by electrogram duration criteria. Late potentials were noted in the border zones of both surfaces of the scar. During pathological examination, the radiofrequency lesions were situated at the borders of the epicardial scar.
Conclusions: A 3-dimensional construct of the infarcted myocardium can be rendered by combined epicardial and endocardial electroanatomic mapping. This experimental protocol is propaedeutic to future clinical studies incorporating endocardial and epicardial substrate mapping into catheter ablation strategies to treat post-myocardial infarction ventricular tachycardia.