In this paper, three sampling techniques for rapid quenching of cellular metabolism and subsequent separation of cells from fermentation broth are compared: (i) quick freezing of fermentation broth directly in liquid nitrogen; (ii) quenching metabolism by exposing the fermentation broth to stainless steel beads (4-mm diameter) in a filter syringe precooled to -18 degrees C; and (iii) withdrawal of the filtrate through a 0.45 microm filter attached to a syringe and a needle inserted directly into the fermentor. It was concluded that use of liquid nitrogen as a quenching method to rapidly arrest cellular metabolism, for quantitative analysis of extracellular glucose, is not a very reliable method and that the filter syringe steel beads work very well.
Copyright 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 83: 395-399, 2003.