Effects of land disposal of sewage sludge on grass and soil environment were studied. The sewage sludge used was from Northern Shenyang Wastewater Treatment Plant. The results showed that contents of nutrient in the soil were increased after sewage sludge application, especially for organic matter. Grass biomass were increased and the green period were extended with a better growth of the lawn. The heavy metal contents in the soil were increased with Cd contents beyond 2nd grade national environmental quality standard for soils. However, Pb, Cu, Zn contents not accumulated heavily. Poa annua had better ability of absorbing and accumulating Pb from the sewage sludge. When the application rate of sewage sludge capacity was at 25, 30, 60 t.hm-2, Zoysia japonica expressed significant absorption and accumulation of Cd, Cu, Zn.