Placental development requires extensive angiogenesis and the invasion of the maternal decidua by the trophoblasts. Adequate and organized interaction of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF), placenta growth factors (PlGF), and their receptors are essential for a normal development and function of the placenta. In this study, we evaluated the expressions of PlGFs and their receptors, mRNAs by Northern blotting, in situ hybridization and RT-PCR in the normal and pregnancy-induced hypertensive (PIH) placentas. The expression level of PlGF-2 mRNA was lower in the PIH placentas compared to control as assessed by Northern blotting and in situ hybridization. PlGF mRNA was mainly localized to the vasculosyncytial membrane of placental villi and villous stroma. The expression of PlGF receptor-1 (PlGFR-1) was significantly increased in the PIH placentas compared to the normal ones. These results suggest that the alteration of PlGF-2 and PlGFR-1 mRNA expressions in the placenta are related to the pathogenesis of PIH.