The aim of this study is to determine the role of radiographic assessment in patient who underwent an adjustable laparoscopic (or laparotomic) banding for the treatment of morbid obesity, and to evaluate the different type of postoperative complications. Forty-three consecutive patients with morbid obesity were examined before and after surgical treatment with positioning of Lap-Band. In all patients radiological examination permitted to evaluate the bend position, the dimensions of the gastric pouch and of the stoma. In such cases it was possible to modify the stoma dimensions under fluoroscopy. 74.4% of patients obtained satisfactory weight loss without complications. In 16.2% of patients the treatment was unsatisfactory and the radiological examination demonstrated the presence and the type of complications. In 9.3% of patients the radiological exam was negative for complications but they didn't obtain satisfactory weight loss. Radiographic assessments are crucial in the management of weight loss and detection of postoperative complications in this surgical treatment.