The distribution and possible origins of substance P-containing nerve fibers in the rat liver were investigated by immunohistochemistry and nerve transection. Nerve fibers with substance P-like immunoreactivity formed a more complex network than previously known in the walls of portal vein branches. Substance P-immunoreactive fibers were seen not only in and around the walls of the hepatic artery, but also in close association with the hepatic veins and bile ducts. Transection of the greater splanchnic nerves and/or the vagus nerves indicated that substance P-immunoreactive fibers in the walls of the portal and hepatic veins enter the liver via both nerves, and that those associated with the hepatic artery and bile ducts stem from the greater splanchnic nerves. The widespread distribution of hepatic substance P and its complex innervation pattern within the liver suggest that it is involved in a variety of physiological processes in this organ.