Objectives: To assess the feasibility and a validity of the Spanish version of the FACT-P and its relation to urinary symptoms.
Methods: The Spanish version of the FACT-P was self-administered to 60 Prostate Cancer patients (pts) waiting to undergo radical treatment and 20 age-matched controls (con) with a negative biopsy. Clinical stage for patients was T1c in 34 and T2 in 26. FACT-P was analysed for internal consistency (Chronbach's a) and relation to symptom scales (IPSS, IPSS bother score and incontinence questionnaire (ICI-SF)).
Results: Feasibility (evaluable questionnaires) was 80.9 for con and 95% for pts. Internal consistency was high for all sub-scales (alpha > 0.7). Emotional well-being subscale and IPSS were significantly higher in pts. (worse emotional wellbeing and more lower urinary tract symptoms). There were no statistically significant differences between pts and con. in any of the other FACT-P sub-scores nor in symptom scores. Correlations were found between some FACT-P sub-scores and bother score.
Conclusions: The Spanish version of the FACTP is feasible and psychometrically valid. Pts undergoing treatment for localized disease have similar QoL that a control group, but higher scores for emotional distress and IPSS.