Background: The INDEPENDENCE 3000 IBOT Transporter (IBOT) is an electronically stabilizing mobility device for people with disabilities. It operates in 4 functions: Standard, Balance (raised on 2 rear wheels), 4 Wheel (for inclines, curbs, and uneven terrain), and Remote (for loading into a vehicle).
Objective: The purpose of this study was to observe the IBOT at use in the home and in the community.
Methods: Data were obtained via observations by trained clinicians, data recorded from a computerized data logger, and reports from each expert.
Participants: Participants included 10 unimpaired nonwheelchair users (6 men, 4 women) and 4 expert wheelchair users (men with spinal cord injuries, T7-L1). The participants used the IBOT to perform a variety of activities, including holding eye-level discussions with colleagues and shopping by balancing on 2 wheels, going up and down steep ramps, traversing outdoor surfaces (eg, grass, dirt trails), and climbing curbs.
Observations: The Balance and 4-Wheel functions were helpful and worked well. The IBOT required attention to control in the Standard function. The seat height was too high for most tables and desks, and the IBOT was challenging to use in the bathroom.
Conclusion: The IBOT is a functional mobility device that expands the options of wheelchair users. It is most useful outdoors and where there is sufficient space to use its unique Balance function.