Various morphonuclear studies by digital image analysis have successfully been applied to quantify the nuclear morphology, including chromatin distribution pattern, in cytology of various organs; however, the majority of past reports have not shown correlation between the quantitative data by digital image analysis and cytological findings in practical diagnosis. In this report, we present the usefulness of morphological abstraction to combine the objective data and subjective observation in cytological diagnosis. Randomly selected, 100 cells in each Papanicolaou-stained ABC smear samples of 39 benign and malignant thyroid tumor cases were studied. Gray-level image data provided seven parameters for nuclear size, four parameters for nuclear shape, and 16 parameters showing the nuclear chromatin patterns from high-dimensional texture analysis of using co-occurrence and run-length matrices. To statistically abstract nuclear morphology, factor analysis was used. Factor analysis classified morphological nuclear characters as abstraction parameter into five abstract parameters composed of nuclear size, shape, heterogeneity, and contrast and homogeneity of chromatin pattern. The nuclei of papillary carcinoma showed larger size, more irregular shape, and higher contrast of chromatin pattern than those of the benign group. The follicular carcinomas have larger nucleus in each cell and more monotonous chromatin pattern among cells in each case than those of the benign group. Morphological abstraction by morphometry with factor analysis may provide a practical approach to the detection of the underlying characteristics of nuclear morphology in aspiration biopsy cytology.
Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.