A geometric solution of the problem of optimal orientation of beams in conformal external radiotherapy is presented. The method uses geometric derived quantities which consider the intersection volume between organs at risk (OAR) and the beam shape. In comparison to previous geometric methods a true 3D volume computation is used which takes into account beam divergence, concave shapes, as well as treatment settings such as individual beam shaping by blocks or multi-leaf collimators. For standard dosimetric cost functions used by dose optimization algorithms a corresponding set of geometric objective functions is proposed. We compare the correlations between geometric and dosimetric cost functions for two clinical cases, a prostate and a head tumour case. A correlation is observed for the prostate case, whereas for the head case it is less pronounced due to the larger part of overlapping volumes between the beams which cannot be considered by the used objectives. In comparison to not-optimized beam directions the dose distribution is significantly better for the beam directions found by the optimization of a geometric multi-objective cost function. An optimal dose distribution can easily be achieved using the geometric model. This is shown by comparing for the two cases the dose-volume histograms (DVH) of manually optimized plans by experienced planners and the DVHs of the geometrically found optimal solutions. In comparison to the manually optimized plans the solutions found by the geometric method significantly reduce the average dose in the OARs and NT, while maintaining the same PTV coverage. The optimization requires only a few seconds and could be used to improve the performance of inverse planning algorithms in radiotherapy for the determination of the optimal direction of beams.