The anatomy of the gonadal vein has been the subject of several studies relating particularly to the aetiology and therapy of varicocele and left ovarian vein syndrome. Venography shows the presence of valves, the collateral branches, the anastomoses between the left gonadal vein and the retroperitoneal venous networks and the effective pathways of venous reflux. The authors observed a particular congenital anomaly of the left gonadal vein in the dissection of a female cadaver, and studied the venographic pattern of a male patient with left idiopathic varicocele. The aim of this study was to investigate, with the aid of a review of the literature, the embryo-pathogenetic basis of congenital abnormalities of the left gonadic vein, stressing those factors most conducive to errors in the diagnosis and therapy of varicocele and left ovarian vein syndrome, particularly in the scleroembolisation therapy of idiopathic varicocele.