We report upon 12 cases of magnetic resonance imaging of cervical spinal cord injuries, in 8 cases done within 24 h after the injury. We found haemorrhages in the spinal cord in 3 cases, compression of the spinal cord in 3, swelling of the spinal cord in 2, and transsection of the spinal cord and hematoma in the epidural space in 1 case each. A normal MR image was seen in a patient with a complete transverse lesion of the spinal cord. The other 4 MR examinations were carried out between 2 weeks and 8 months after injury or operation. In 2 of these trauma victims interbody fusion of the cervical spine was performed, and the neurological deficit was subsequently worse in both. In 1 patient the course of a haemorrhage within the spinal cord was monitored by MR imaging: 1 image revealed the treatment of a burst fracture of C-7 with an interposed flap from the greater omentum.