The present study was conducted to estimate the frequency of other-cardiac, extracardiac and chromosomal anomalies in fetuses with A VSD diagnosed in a prenatal diagnosis center, analysed from the database during the 54-month period extending from November 1997 to May 2002. One hundred and three fetuses were diagnosed with A VSD. Among them other-cardiac and extra cardiac anomalies were present in 56 and 75 cases respectively. Of the 22 fetuses that had undergone karyotyping, no metaphase was seen in one case. In the remaining 21, 15 (71.4%) turned out to be normal, three (14.2%) had trisomy 18, two (9.5%) had trisomy 13 and one had trisomy 21 (4.8%). We found that AVSD almost always occurs with other-cardiac or extracardiac anomalies, though the pattern may differ between populations. It seems to be less frequently associated with chromosomal anomalies (especially trisomy 21) in South India. The genetics of AVSD underscores the importance of a thorough understanding of the target population in prenatal decision-making.