Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED) Maroteaux type is an autosomal dominant skeletal dysplasia, characterized by spondylar dysplasia, mild epiphyseal dysplasia of the large joints, and type E-like brachydactyly. These manifestations overlap with those of spondyloperipheral dysplasia (SPD), in which a sporadic case with a mutation of COL2A1 has been reported. We report on three patients (an affected woman and her son and a sporadic case of an affected man) with SED Maroteaux type. The affected adults were severely short along with stubby hands and feet, and one developed myelopathy as a result of thoracolumbar gibbus. The affected child was mildly short at birth, and developed brachydactyly in early childhood. The radiological hallmarks of these patients included severe platyspondyly with square-shaped vertebral bodies, iliac hypoplasia, epiphyseal hypoplasia of the large joints, and strikingly short metacarpals and phalanges. These radiological findings appeared already apparent in early childhood. SED Maroteaux type was radiologically discriminative from SPD. Brachydactyly was much severe in the former than in the latter, and spondylar dysplasia manifestation was different between both disorders. Mutation screen by polymerase chain reaction-direct sequencing for all exons and their flanking regions of COL2A1 did not reveal any mutations in the three patients.
Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.