Objectives: Gaucher's disease is a rare genetic disease. Paediatric patients present with highly severe disease and, until now, literature does not provide many descriptions in children only. A specific enzyme replacement therapy has been available for the last decade. Quality of life has been improved by the treatment.
Population and methods: We studied 17 Gaucher patients (14 type 1 and 3 type 3) diagnosed before the age of 15 and treated afterwards. The first clinical signs and the course of the disease are described before and during treatment. To appreciate the impact of the treatment on quality of life, we established a clinical score with the functional symptoms of the patients.
Results: The mean age was 6.4 years at diagnosis and 18.3 years at the beginning of the treatment. With specific treatment, all clinical and biological symptoms dramatically improved but some specific organic damages were irreversible.
Conclusion: The comparison of our patients with other reported paediatric cases confirm that Gaucher's disease in children is severe and has to be precociously diagnosed and treated. Clinical scores appeared to be helpful to choose the moment for treating and to follow-up the patients under treatment.