Gastroenteritis outbreaks linked to shellfish consumption are numerous and Norwalk-like viruses (NLVs) are frequently the responsible causative agents. However, molecular data linking shellfish and clinical samples are still rare despite the availability of diagnostic methods. In a recent outbreak we found the same NLV sequence in stool and shellfish samples (100% identity over 313 bp in the capsid region), supporting the epidemiological data implicating the shellfish as the source of infection. A semiquantitative approach using most-probable-number-RT-PCR (MPN-RT-PCR) demonstrated the presence of a hundred of RT-PCR units per oyster. Follow-up of the oysters in the harvest area, for approximately 2 months, showed persistence of NLV contamination of the shellfish at levels up to a thousand RT-PCR units per oyster prior to depuration of the shellfish. This finding is useful in beginning to understand shellfish contamination and depuration for use in future hazard analyses.