A 30 years old man originating from Ukraine was infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and virus of hepatitis C (HCV) due to injection administration of drugs of abuse in his own country before coming to Czech Republic. He was infected by genotype 3 of HCV and the infection became chronic. Under the influence of a three-combination anti-retrovirus therapy his conditions related to HIV infection became stable and it proved to be possible to apply a combined treatment by alpha-interferon and ribavirin at commonly used doses for the period of 12 months. In the course of therapy the HCV nucleic acid (HCV RNA) disappeared from serum and serum activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) became normal. However, two months after the therapy ended a relapse of the disease occurred--HCV RNA reappeared in serum and ALT activity increased. The therapy was well tolerated. A rapid decrease of hemoglobin level during the first four weeks of therapy was stopped by reduction of ribavirin dose.