A 688-bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene was sequenced from larvae of 18 species of Oestridae causing obligate myiasis. Larvae belonged to the four Oestridae subfamilies (Cuterebrinae, Gasterophilinae, Hypodermatinae and Oestrinae), which are commonly found throughout the world. Analysis of both nucleotide and amino acid data was performed. Nucleotide sequences included 385 conserved sites and 303 variable sites; mean nucleotide variation between all species was 18.1% and variation within each subfamily ranged from 5.3% to 13.34%. Intraspecific pairwise divergences ranged from 0.14% to 1.59%, and interspecific variation ranged from 0.7% to 27%. Of the 229 amino acids, 76 were variable (60 of which were phylogenetically informative), with some highly conserved residues identified within each subfamily. Phylogenetic analysis showed a strong divergence among the four subfamilies, concordant with classical taxonomy based on morphological and biological features. This study provides the first molecular data set for myiasis-causing Oestridae species, providing an essential database for the molecular identification of these parasites and the assessment of phylogenetic relationships within family Oestridae.