Object: This study addressed the integration of sensory short-term memory (SSTM) and motor planning (MP) in the lateral cerebellar region, where the dentate nucleus is localized, and in the prefrontal cortex (PF).
Methods: Boucher and Lewis's test of SSTM and MP was administered pre- and postsurgically to 8 patients of either sex, between 5 and 19 years of age, with tumors of the cerebellum, PF (area 9 medial) or the parieto-occipital region, and on one occasion to 8 corresponding controls.
Results: Whereas lesions of the midline portions of the cerebellum and of the parietal-occipital region did not appear to cause any cognitive defects, patients with lesions affecting either the lateral cerebellar region or PF exhibited statistically significant deficits of SSTM and MP.
Conclusions: The lateral cerebellum seems to act in concert with PF to integrate different cognitive activities related to holding objects in SSTM and planning motor strategies in reference to them.